Third secret of Fatima discussions? Statistical data reveals an apocalyptic code that points to end-time events right now. The pattern was so strong and unusual that it appeared to be nothing short of miraculous. Based upon the foregoing, the 13th day of April must be significant, especially in regards to the fact that no other feast day of a martyred saint satisfies the criterion set forth by seer Conchita Gonzalez. And the fact that the feast day of Saint Hermenegild happens to fall on the 13th day of April verifies the importance of the number 13 and that such a numerical value must be included in the analysis of both possible end time events and dates for it to be accurate and meaningful. Moreover, the year Saint Hermenegild was martyred was the year of our Lord 585, which happens to be a multiple of 13 (i.e. 13 x 45 = 585). There’s that number 13 again, which pervades all of the author’s aforesaid work on this subject matter.

And if we examine other data information such as the one Dr. George Hart discovered from the timetraks for the Hiroshima bombing that occured on August 6, 1945, we realize here that a world war could indeed start much earlier than either 2027 or 2028, since he showed that a nuclear war could occur in 2021. So it appears from all of the foregoing data, that World War III may start even earlier than 2021, since a conventional war is ususally preceded by several years before nuclear bombing is resorted to, as in World War II. In the worst case scenario, if World War III were to occur in 2019 and it escalated to a all-out nuclear conflict between 2019 and 2021, and if an asteroid hits the earth by 2022, thereby causing a deluge of biblical proportions, then the likely dates of the Garabandal ‘Miracle’ would have to be between April 9, 2020 and April 14, 2022. This would have to be the case, since a warning from God would be pointless if the majority of the world’s population were annihilated by both a nuclear war and a subsequent asteroid strike. Nevertheless, could such dates have something the cycle of years? Let’s examine this further below.

According to Bayside Directive given to Veronica Lueken by Jesus Christ on 10/02/87, the future earthquake in San Francisco, California will mark “only the beginning” of the Great Tribulation. Based upon all of the aforesaid, it can be ascertained that the tribulation started on September 24, 2017, and that the Great tribulation will start around March of 2021. Thus, one can assume that the great earthquake of San Francisco known popularly as ‘the Big One’ will possibly occur between 2020 and March or April of 2021. Since one is dealing with prophecy, relying on a range of dates would be wise here. The date of Thursday, April 18, 2016, marked the 113th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake that destroyed most of the city. The great earthquake occurred at exactly 13 minutes after 5:00 a.m. Unfortunately, no record of any marian seer or psychic visionary is known to have predicted the ‘The Big One’, except for an ordinary bellboy working at a San Francisco Hotel by the name of Gerald Perkins, who experienced a number of vivid precognitive visions of the earthquake one day before it happened. Gerald Perkins gift of precognition was memorialized in the 1960’s television show known as One Step Beyond, hosted by the late John Newland. Discover additional info on

Staring in June 25 of 1981, in the small village of Medjugorje in what is now known as Croatia in the former Yugoslavia, six young children, named Vicka, Ivanka, Jakov and Marija, claimed to have seen apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The apparitions were seen by all of the children everyday for many years. The Virgin Mary declared to the children that once her daily apparitions cease, there will no longer be anymore marian apparitions on earth, for it would no longer be necessary. The Virgin further declared that Medjugorje would be the fulfillment of Fatima and that her heart would be victorious.

Now either Almighty God was an ESPN active subscriber to American professional sports or there was some weird karma going on here for fifteen straight years that stretches the laws of statistical probability to its extreme. Indeed, for the last fifteen straight years stretching from 1999 to 2014, there has been a long string of world championships won by American professional sports teams named after either Christian saints or angels. See extra information on apocalypse revelations.