Excellent reputation management builder provider right now? Having easy access to the web has radically changed the way people shop for almost everything today. From mobile phones to dental services, it’s rare to blindly make a purchase decision without reading through several online reviews. In 2016, 90% of shoppers read at least one online review before deciding to visit a business. More importantly, 94% of online shoppers reported that a negative review has convinced them to avoid visiting a business. This means that whatever your industry, having a positive online presence gives you several key advantages, which is why it’s becoming a key part of branding.

Consumers Consult Reviews Online Before Making a Purchase. The first statistic will help you to understand the importance of reviews in a consumer’s purchase journey. Nearly nine out of ten (89 percent) consumers worldwide make the effort to read reviews before buying products (Trustpilot, 2020). Not only does this imply that reviews are an integral part of consumers’ purchase process, it also indicates a high level of confidence and faith that buyers have in fellow consumers’ opinions. There doesn’t seem to be a big difference in reviews consumption between men and women. Just slightly more women (90 percent) read reviews compared to men (88 percent). Interestingly, slight imperfections in review scores seem to hold more swaying power. More than half of consumers say review scores that are less than perfect appear more “authentic.” In fact, six out of ten consumers say they will continue to do more research on products that have perfect, five-star reviews.

Engaging with online reviews — the good and the bad — can help you win new prospects. An article on Reviewtrackers.com gave some great examples of how you can respond to positive reviews and negative reviews. One of the best approaches to take when responding to comments is personalizing your replies. Prospects will notice your commitment to providing the best customer service and appreciate that you are not just cutting and pasting a generic response. We recommend moving conversations involving negative reviews offline. Whether by email or phone call, the best way to create a positive outcome from a negative review is by speaking with the reviewer directly and addressing the manner in a more immediate fashion.

Get a second chance with unhappy customers? A simple system to proactively collect and use feedback from all your customers. Solicit happy customers to share positive experiences on sites of your choice using automated email and text/sms.? Avoid negative reviews on social media and review sites with our easy to use system.? Reach unhappy customers before they leave a review by directing them through our review funnel.? A simple dashboard to manage all your customer reviews! Discover additional details on company reviews online software.

What’s interesting here is that the social network is actively trying to avoid pushing unwanted interests in the face of its users. Perhaps this way, they will find things they enjoy and will continue to use Pinterest, free of advertisements and algorithms. This is why reviews for online sellers, in particular, are the most honest form of referral marketing because they’re coming directly from the user. It’s easy to say that online reviews increase sales, but what processes lead to this growth? According to MOZ, reviews should make up about 13 percent of how companies are ranked on Google search. To fully understand the quality of reviews for your online store in terms of SEO, four factors must be taken into account. Word-of-mouth marketing has many forms and serves several purposes in e-commerce, but the importance of online reviews should never be underestimated. Reputation-based referrals should play a part in every marketing strategy—and that starts with providing exceptional customer service. When your work speaks for itself via word-of-mouth marketing, better sales and customer retention will follow.