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The hardest part of the design process can be the search for logo inspiration. Luckily we’ve got some tips for you that will make it really easy. Perhaps you are a conceptual person and like to start off with collecting verbal ideas. A proper brainstorming session can be just what you need to pin down the look and feel you’re trying to achieve. Here are three steps that will help you draw out the best creative logo ideas: Follow the rules of the brainstorm: Brainstorming is about getting all ideas out (even those really really bad ones) and writing them down. Even a horrible idea can spark a conversation that leads to a genius solution. Find additional information at logo animation. As customers get to know your business they will begin to trust you.In order to build trust you must give customers a reason to test you out. The branding must be spot on as the first customers will determine how many more (or less) you will receive. Exceptional customer service, experience with the product/services and positive online communication on social networks will keep them coming back for more. Branding can reach so many people in so many outlets. It reaches people offline, online, mobile and niche markets. It reaches the many products and services you currently sell and plan to sell in the future.

Keep your brand vibe in mind as you read through the logo design tips, and spend some time thinking about how each logo makes you feel. Based on our research, we know that consumers trust brands who are upfront about who they are and what they do with their logo styles. So I’ve included some of Venngage’s top logo templates. If any feel right you can get started on your design straight away! If you need more inspiration, check out those beautiful company logos from famous brands. A logo is a visual representation of your brand, so why tell people what you do if you could just show them? Use simple icons to communicate who you are.

A logo represents your company. How it looks tells potential customers what kind of business you have. Make sure your logo adequately represents you and your business. For example if your business deals in financing, you’d probably want your logo to be conservative, contemporary, or even high tech. Creating a whimsical design could elicit a “fleeting feeling” and take away credibility before you’ve even had a chance to prove it. The opposite could be true if you are a cupcake shop. A whimsical, light-hearted design to show off your creativity is more likely the way to go versus a corporate, conservative logo, as the emotional state someone is in when buying a cupcake is quite different than when investing your money! When choosing an image style you should consider your company’s philosophies and your customer/client profile.

Every few years or so, some new fads come along in logo design. I personally love to study design trends and you might even find me suggesting jumping onto a few bandwagons to keep up with the times, but with logos, I just hate it when a bunch of designers use the same idea over and over. Should you know about the latest logo design trends and understand what’s good and bad about them? Absolutely. Should you follow them to the letter? Absolutely not. The basic archetype above is being used again and again in logo design right now and it’s getting old fast. Why not use a design that you actually thought up yourself rather than ripping off what everyone else is doing? We have an entire article dedicated to showcasing logo design clichés, be sure to check it out to make sure you’re not guilty of uninspired logo design. Find even more info at here.