Best Bernedoodle breeding Phoenix? Here Phoenix Bernedoodles we focus on fluffy lovable Bernedoodles. If you are looking to reserve a Bernedoodle, then please contact us. We are not a large dog breeding firm, just serious dog lovers who have fallen in love with this special breed. Read even more info at Arizona Bernedoodles. You have decided to treat your Bernedoodle with food from the table as a reward, and you know that there are some foods designer dogs just cannot tolerate or that could cause serious problems. What foods should you never feed your dog?

Not good dog food : While there are numerous nutrients in an orange or tangerine, in high quantities, citrus fruits have a high acidic content that can sometimes be detrimental to a dog’s digestive system. Many dogs will chew an orange or grab a lemon slice, chew it a couple of times, and spit it out. (Dogs prefer sweet rather than sour things). Not all nuts are toxic to dogs, but care should be given when feeding them. It is best to avoid them because nuts have oils and acids that lead to pancreatic issues. Salted nuts will lead to water retention, and even small nuts can create choking hazards in smaller versions of the Bernedoodle.

It offers coverage for accidents and illnesses. Even if you take full responsibility for your pets not getting sick or out of accidents, we can’t secure them 24/7 and we can’t stop them from doing things that may get them sick especially if it’s nature given happenings that may put our pets in danger. As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to make our pets healthy once again if they get sick or acquire accidents. You don’t have to worry anymore about the finances needed if you have secured them with pet insurance because it covers accidents and illnesses.

The Bernedoodle is a hybrid dog made from crossing a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. They come in three sizes, Standard, Miniature, and Tiny depending on the size of the Poodle in their bloodline. They come in various colors and have coats that generally do not shed. So let’s get started as we make our case for the addition of this beautiful hybrid to your home. Because the Bernedoodle comes from a Bernese Mountain Dog and has a Poodle like the other parent, their coat is wirier and sheds a lot less than other dogs. Families with allergies or owners who work from home, and spend most of their time inside, can breathe easier with this breed. See additional info on