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It comes down to having a good wig and designing wonky eyebrows to achieve Sanji’s appearance. Eiki, a cosplayer, does an excellent job at each of those things and also keeps a cigarette nearby for good measure. Sanji’s preferred attire is one of his most well-known outfits. Dracule Mihawk is one of the greatest pirates in One Piece, apart from having a great name. He is the “Strongest Swordsman in the World” and a cool-headed figure. There isn’t a better title available than that.

Kaido consumed the Uo Uo no Mi: Model, Seiryuu, a legendary zoan devil fruit that gives him the ability to change into a massive Azure Dragon at any time. When he transforms into a dragon, he can unleash powerful fireballs from his mouth as well as other elemental blows like lightning and Kaido is the embodiment of invincibility and a physical specimen. It just goes to demonstrate how incredibly resilient his body is that he can’t even be damaged by any physical assault that isn’t an advanced use of either Armament or Conqueror’s Haki. In addition, Kaido possesses a high level of proficiency in the Conqueror’s Haki as well as advanced Armament’s three forms of haki. His Haki-infused attacks have enough force to instantly kill a “Gear 4” Luffy. He has also been seen going blow-for-blow with another Yonko, Big Mom. Kaido is undoubtedly the pinnacle of raw power amongst the One Piece characters we have been introduced to.

For many reasons, cosplaying as Roronoa Zoro is enjoyable. You can first choose to color your natural hair green or put on a green wig (depending on the level of commitment). He is undoubtedly a fan favorite because he is among the most perilous Straw Hat Pirates. The best thing is that you can tuck one blade between your teeth without being thought to be completely nuts, and you also have a reason to always have three swords with you. Hytez, a cosplayer, makes the most of these benefits by dressing in numerous Zoro clothes from different story arcs.

A good name for starting this One Piece strongest character2022 list is king is a fantastic member of One Piece’s strongest characters. King is the most potent commander in the Beast Pirates and one of Kaido’s three All-Stars. He consumed the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon—an ancient zoan demon fruit—under the moniker Alber. In combat, King is a monster. King, a member of the Lunarian race, has the power to create and direct flames from his back, which he may utilize for either offense or defense. King is incredibly resistant and resilient while his flames are burning. Without spilling a drop of blood, he endured Zoro’s and Marco’s powerful strikes. He can even put out his flames to convert his invincibility into incredible speed. King has Observation Haki and basic Armor. He is a skilled swordsman and hand-to-hand fighter, and his devil fruit gives his already rugged body another boost. This makes him a fearsome foe. Find even more info at