Top 21st century artists with Jean Arno? Jean Arno is an influential artist from the artistic group, Astrée. Primarily known for his poetry and philosophical aphorisms, he defends the idea that man is, in essence, a creator. Shaping ‘the inextinguishable fire of life’ thus makes up the sacred mission of man, as a poet. He stands alongside those who continually battle against the invasive and deadly forces of contempt for the world and for life, and alongside those who put their creative forces to the service of the highest affirmation of life, those who believe that ‘the impossible can only ever occur by attempting it’. Find even more details at Jean Arno artist.

The human being is called towards these summits, which he feels called to create : “It is up to us to change into Destiny the forces of which our being is composed (…) so that in the unity of the work triumphs all the immensity of the worlds that we carry”. In each poem, a humanist faith emerges with this ideal of a being capable of overcoming himself—of creating beyond himself : “O, indefinable visions / Of a heart, heroic and pure ! / O, inexhaustible fountain / The source of all our future ! ».

The new, digitized universe, praised by Mark Zuckerberg, opens up a world of infinite creative possibilities, which is why the digital art gallery Art & Above has decided to take the plunge by moving into the Metaverse. “We have created a new kind of art gallery: any artistic object—including the art gallery itself—becomes the occasion for an artistic experience … for collaboration. The visitor is no longer a contemplator; he is called to become an artist himself and to create”, says the founder, Jean Arno.

Within the Metaverse—the digital universe in which our avatars will extend our physical lives—new perspectives are open to NTF artists whose work will find their place in digital art galleries like Art & Above. Everyone will be able to enrich the walls of their virtual home with living and unique paintings they buy or exchange. NFTs and Metaverse: the new world of art is on the move. After reading Trophies, many people discover a hidden message in its passages; however, Arno refers to it as an intellectual experience.

Could you tell us more about your background? My background is atypical. I was lucky enough to be raised in a family that valued love and thought in all its forms of expression: philosophical, scientific, and artistic. I was a bright student, but I was reluctant to follow the rules of a school that I found uninteresting and outdated. I loved to read and create. I considered that I had more to learn from Homer, Plotinus, Horace, and Shakespeare than I did from this school. The classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles proved me wrong. Two teachers there changed my life. They pushed me to examine my thoughts and gave me the keys to express them. From that moment on, I wrote with more regularity. Find extra details at Jean Arno artist.

The poet, like Nietzsche, reminds us of an obvious fact that we should never have forgotten: human beings reach their highest freedom as creators. However, we have moved away from this path because it requires qualities that are difficult master. High creation requires us not to succumb to the temptations of our time — the temptations that lead artists and intellectuals to produce only works that conform to a determined horizon of expectation, which are often uniform and superficial. The mind that wishes to produce exceptional thoughts must necessarily make an effort to “[persevere] in being” to use Spinoza’s words, or to overcome itself in creation. Readers must gather all their intellectual forces to reconstitute the reasoning contained in the final and triumphant poetic formula. Arno delivers these explanations of his poetic art in unpublished and hidden texts. In the manner of Leonardo da Vinci, the poet hides codes in his texts that lead to “sacred relics.”